
How to send information with an intent android studio
How to send information with an intent android studio

4.1 Starting the QR Code Scanner in onCreateįirst, we will get references to the views in our layout. From there, we will use an AlertDialog to send the user to the QR code’s website.

how to send information with an intent android studio

The result will then appear in our Activity’s onActivityResult function. IntentIntegrator allows us to start a QR code scan with just a few lines of code. Configure Kotlin code in MainActivity.ktįor our app to have the functionality to scan QR codes, we must make use of ZXing’s IntentIntegrator and override the onActivityResult function in our MainActivity class. We have chosen a QR code vector asset from Android Studio’s clip art to use with our ImageButton. The TextView will be constrained in the center of our layout and have the text “Tap below to scan.” Our ImageButton will be constrained between the bottom of our TextView and the bottom of our layout. Configure Layout in MainActivity.xmlįor this project, we will just use a ConstraintLayout with a TextView and ImageButton. Then, add the following permission in the AndroidMainifest.xml file to gain access to the camera. implementation 'com.journeyapps:zxing-android-embedded:4.2.0' To access the class we will need from ZXing, we must add the following dependency to our module adle file. Add Gradle Dependency and Manifest Permission Choose Android 7.0 for the Minimum SDK and create the project. Then, name the project “QRScannerTest” and select Kotlin for the programming language. Open Android Studio and create a new project.

how to send information with an intent android studio

Let’s see how we can implement a QR code scanner in Android Studio in a few short steps. App developers know that QR codes are quick and easy for consumers to scan. QR codes are all around us, and many of us have become accustomed to using these codes to quickly access information.

How to send information with an intent android studio